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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

February 19 2018

On Sunday we had cloudy conditions in the morning with some sunshine in the afternoon and the temperature reached into the mid 50's. With the nice weather and low water over the holiday weekend we did see an increase with fishing pressure. The upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville has been getting the most fishing pressure on a daily basis. The anglers we spoke with had mixed reports, but overall anglers did better yesterday then the previous day. Anglers we have staying in the motel reported having a good day in the Lower Fly Zone with stoneflies producing the best results. Anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing in the mid to upper end of the river reported getting into a few fish on egg sacs. Anglers in the lower end of the river reported getting into some fresh at the RT2A, Town Pool, Longbridge/Staircase and DSR. Anglers who were fly fishing had success while dead drifting nymphs or egg patterns under a strike indicator. Anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing had the most success with egg sacs and pink worms. Over the next couple of days very mild weather conditions along with rain is expected, so keep an eye on the water levels.

Store Hours:

Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.


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