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Daily Report

September 04 2017

We had several anglers come up for the holiday weekend, half of them were fishing the lake and the other half were fishing the river. The majority of anglers we spoke with who fished the river reported getting into mostly kings with a few cohos in the mix. The best action has been in the lower end of the river with the majority of anglers fishing at the DSR.  The lower end of the river has also been producing action in the Ballpark, Town pool, Staircase/Longbridge and Black Hole. First thing in the morning has produced the best fish movement, especially on bright sunny days, but yesterday we had heavy cloud cover along with rainy conditions so fish continued moving throughout the day. Fishing in the lake continues to be very good, anglers did well on Saturday and first thing Sunday morning.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.

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