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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

September 06 2018

Over the last couple of days we've had very hot and very humid weather which has made for very slow conditions. Most anglers are holding off and waiting for conditions to improve, but a few anglers have made the trip. The few anglers who are here have seen a fish here and there first thing in the morning, but overall very little fish movement. The good news is that some cooler weather conditions are expected for the upcoming weekend. The fishing in the lake continues to be very good and we've been going out late in the afternoon and fishing until dark. We've been doing very well on kings in 80-100 feet of water and yesterday we picked up a nice coho. Pro-troll flashers and A-Tom-Mik flies are producing most of the action for us, but were getting a few on spoons and j-plugs as well. Were marking lots of fish staging out in the lake and once they enter the river it's going to be exciting. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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