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Daily Report

October 27 2017

Thursday was warm and sunny with windy conditions in the afternoon. The warm and dry weather is expected to continue as we head into the weekend, but rain and colder weather is in the forecast for early next week. On windy days leaves have been a factor which is normal for this time of year but overall it hasn't been that bad. If your still looking for salmon the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville is your best bet. Over the last couple of days anglers staying in the motel have reported getting into some steelhead in the Lower Fly Zone with egg patterns and flesh flies producing the best results. Anglers in the Upper Fly Zone have been getting into a mix of kings and steelhead with egg patterns, flesh flies, egg sucking leeches and woolly buggers producing the best results. In the mid to lower end of the river the majority of anglers are now targeting steelhead and a variety of techniques have been productive. For those anglers who are fly fishing, egg patterns under a strike indicator or swinging streamers with sinking leaders has been productive. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing, blue or pink egg sacs and trout beads have produced steady results.


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 5:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM. 

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