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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

November 16 2020

Over the weekend the water flow from the dam was finally increased and it took the fish a day to adjust to the new flow. With the increased flow and extremely high winds leaves were a factor and made for challenging conditions. The rain that was expected held off during the day and came through at the end of the day and into the night. We got mixed reports from anglers, some groups were able to get into some fish, while others did not. Anglers who were fly fishing had the most success dead drifting with egg patterns or nymphs.  Anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing had the most success with blue and pink egg sacs. Anglers reported having the most success at the head or tailouts of the deeper holes and larger runs. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.

Suggested Patterns;

STREAMERS: Beadhead woolly buggers in, black, olive, brown, white, peacock, grizzly, size 4-8. Fish skull buggers in black, olive, natural, white, size 4. Conehead muddlers in black, brown, olive, white, size 4. Egg sucking leeches in black, purple, size 6.

EGG PATTERNS: Estaz eggs in chart, pink, blue, orange, white, purple, size 10. Glo-bugs in pink, blue, oregon cheese, red, orange, size 8. Sucker spawn in cream, white, chart, pink, blue, orange, size 6-10.

NYMPHS: Rubber legged stoneflies in black, brown, gold, size 4-8. Beadhead stoneflies in black, brown, golden, 4-8.

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