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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

January 07 2023

On Friday we finally saw some improvement with the water level and throughout the afternoon the water level continued to drop and is forecasted to drop again this morning. Now that the water level has come down to a level where more anglers feel comfortable we should see an increase in the number of anglers. Once the fish get settled in and adjusted to the new water level we should get some more reports. Over the next couple of days were expected to have stable weather conditions along with average or slightly above average temperatures. 

Suggested patterns:

Nymphs;  Steelhead Hammer, Prince nymphs, Rubber legged stones, Beadhead stones, Pheasant tails. 

Eggs; Sucker spawn, Estaz eggs, Steelie Omelette, Glo-bugs, Steak-n-eggs.

Streamers; Woolly buggers, Rusher nymphs, Egg sucking leeches, Zonkers, Stonefly buggers.

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