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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

September 11 2023

Over the weekend the number of anglers increased from what we saw during the week which is normal for this time of year. On Sunday the majority of anglers we spoke with who fished the DSR reported that the fish movement was much better then the previous day with mostly kings. Other anglers stopping into the shop reported fish holding in the deeper holes in the mid to upper end of the river such as Schoolhouse, Trestle Pool and Sportsman Pool. Over the next couple of days we are expected to have some cooler weather conditions.

Egg patterns: Estaz eggs in chart, blue, purple, size 6.

Nymphs: Estaz stones in peacock, brown, chart, blue, size 6. Rubber legged stones in size 4.

Streamers: Black or purple egg sucking leeches in size 4. Woolly buggers in black, olive, brow, white, size 4. Fish skull zonkers in black, white, olive size 4.

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