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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

January 04 2018

Although the temperature remains well below average for this time of year, yesterday it did reach near 20 degrees. As of early this morning we had snow flurries and the temperature was in the teens. The weather will remain decent today, then we will have extremely cold temperatures over the next couple of days. The weather has kept most anglers away and very few people have been fishing. Shelf ice and slush ice has been a factor in the lower end of the river and has not been a factor in the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville. The few anglers we have spoke with have been getting into some fish in the Lower Fly Zone with nymphs producing the best results. Anglers are also having some success bottom bouncing or float fishing with egg sacs in the deeper holes in the upper end of the river.
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