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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

December 30 2024

On Sunday we had very mild weather conditions with the temperature reaching into the 50's in the afternoon and staying warm throughout the night. As of early Monday morning the temperature was still near 50 degrees but is expected to slowly drop into the 40's throughout the day along with very high winds.  It's no surprise with the mild weather conditions were getting some runoff which you can follow on the Pineville gauge. Over the weekend the number of anglers did increase with the upper and lower end of the river getting the most fishing pressure. If your looking for some solitude and willing to walk the mid section of river would be a good choice. For those anglers who are fly fishing, dead drifitng with nymphs, indicator fishing with egg patterns or swinging small streamers with sink tips have all produced results. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing, egg sacs and beads have produced the best results. 

 Shop hours:

Monday - Saturday 7:00AM - 6:00PM.

Sunday 7:00AM - 5:00PM.

Suggested patterns:

Eggs: Estaz eggs, steelie omelet, glo-bugs, sucker spawn.

Streamers: Crystal buggers, woolly buggers, zonkers, bunny leeches, egg sucking leeches.

Nymphs: Prince nymphs, copper john's, pheasant tails, wiggle stones, steelhead hammer, beadhead stones, rubber legged stones.

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