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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

February 05 2025

On Tuesday the warmest part of the day was in the morning, as the day went on the temperature slowly dropped and the wind picked up in the afternoon. With the temperature dropping into the single digits during the night, slush ice will be a factor in the lower end of the river.  The release from the dam is now running 350cfs and the Pineville gauge is reading around 488cfs. Yesterday the handful of anglers we spoke with reported landing fish both in the upper and lower end of the river.  We currently have good numbers of steelhead spread out in the river from top to bottom and anglers have been getting into fish on the days they can get out. For those anglers who are fly fishing, dead drifitng with nymphs, indicator fishing with egg patterns or swinging small streamers with sink tips have all produced results. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing, egg sacs, beads, pink worms and marabou jigs have all produced results. 

Shop hours:

Monday - Saturday 8:00AM - 6:00PM.

Sunday 8:00AM - 5:00PM.

Suggested patterns:

Eggs: Estaz eggs, steelie omelet, glo-bugs, sucker spawn.

Streamers: Crystal buggers, woolly buggers, zonkers, bunny leeches, egg sucking leeches.

Nymphs: Prince nymphs, copper john's, pheasant tails, wiggle stones, steelhead hammer, beadhead stones, rubber legged stones.

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