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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

November 13 2018

On Tuesday we had heavy wet snow showers in the morning along with scattered rain showers in the afternoon and the temperature was in the 30's. We got mixed reports from anglers, some groups got into fish, while others did not, but overall it seemed to be a slow day. The best reports came from anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing with blue and pink egg sacs. Anglers who covered lots of water also seemed to have the most success. For those anglers who are fly fishing, dead drifting with egg patterns or under an indicator has been produced the best results.  The most productive patterns have been estaz eggs, glo-bugs, sucker spawn, steelhead hammer, steelhead stones and woolly buggers.


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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