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August Report

August 21 2024

The shop is now open for the season, preseason orders have started arriving and were getting ready for the fall run. The fishing in the lake has been very good over the summer and should make for an exciting fall run. The current LOC leader for in the lake is 31.05 lbs, ( which is already bigger then the winning fish over the past 2 seasons, not only have there been a lot of then, lake anglers have also been happy with the size. The motel is also opening this weekend and any available motel dates for the upcoming Fall 2024 salmon/steelhead season have been posted on the motel page. 

Due to the new license paper changes we will no longer be selling licenses in the shop. The paper used for sporting licenses and carcass tags has changed from special stock (Valeron) to plain paper. This change modernizes the license purchasing process by allowing easier, quicker access to licenses and tags offering at-home license and tag printing options for the increasing number of hunters and anglers who purchase their licenses online. 

As far as shop hours go, were currently doing 9-5pm and will extend the hours for Labor Day weekend.


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