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water-temp Water Temp 34F

Daily Report

March 12 2018

On Monday we had a mix of sun and clouds along with the temperature reaching into the mid 30's. Some anglers did better then others, but overall everyone we spoke with reported having some action. We have fish spread out in the river from top to bottom and with the low water the fish have been holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. Anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing had the most success with blue egg sacs and pink worms. For those anglers who were fly fishing, dead drifting with black stoneflies produced steady results. Pale colored estaz eggs or glo-bugs under a strike indicator has also been productive. For those anglers swinging flies, bunny leeches and woolly buggers have produced steady results.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00AM

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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