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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

March 25 2018

Please check the waterline for the latest update. On Sunday we had plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the 40's in the afternoon. With the low water and nice weather it's no surprise we had increased fishing pressure over the weekend. The upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville continues to get the most fishing pressure on a daily basis. The mid section of river is a good choice if your willing to walk and looking for some solitude. In the lower end of the river were still getting some fresh fish entering the river. In the mid to upper end of the river the fish have been holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. Over the last couple of days anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing had the most success with pink or blue egg sacs, marabou jigs, beads and pink worms. Anglers who were fly fishing had the most success dead drifting with squirmy worms, black stoneflies and wiggle stones mostly in size 10. Anglers who were fly fishing also had success fishing with egg patterns such as glo-bugs, sucker spawn and estaz eggs under a strike indicator. Mild weather conditions are expected as we head into the upcoming week. 


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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