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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

April 14 2018

On Saturday the temperature was in the mid 40's in the morning and by the end of the day it had dropped into the low 30's. The rain held off and we had cloudy conditions. We got mixed reports from the anglers we spoke with, some anglers managed to land one or two fish while others had no success at all. The drift boats continue to take advantage of the higher water and are floating most of the river. We did have an increase in the number of bank anglers which is normal for the weekend. Bottom bouncing with blue and pink eggs sacs or float fishing with egg sacs, pink worms and beads produced results. Anglers who were fly fishing had success while dead drifting with woolly buggers and squirmy worms or indicator fishing with egg patterns such as sucker spawn or glo-bugs. Over the last couple of days bank anglers have had success in the diversions and side channels of the main river or some of the smaller local tributaries. Keep an eye on the weather and water conditions over the next couple of days. Freezing rain and sleet is expected for Sunday and rain on Monday. 


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.

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