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Daily Report

April 22 2018

Well it seems that spring has finally sprung and over the weekend we caught a break with the weather.  Sunday was another beautiful day with blue skies, plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the 50's. The mild and dry conditions are expected to continue over the next couple of days. With the nice weather and recent drop in water level it's no surprise with the increased number of anglers. It's great to see anglers taking advantage of the conditions while they last. The majority of anglers we spoke with reported getting into fish, with most of them being drop backs. We currently have drop backs scattered throughout the river from top to bottom. The mid to upper section of river has the most gravel areas where we still have fish spawning. For those anglers who are float fishing or bottom bouncing, blue egg sacs and pink worms have produced the best results. For those anglers who are fly fishing dead drifting with pink san juan worms, or black, brown and olive woolly buggers has produced steady results. Indicator fishing with estaz eggs, sucker spawn and glo-bugs has also been productive.


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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