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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

April 29 2018

On Sunday we had cold and wet conditions. In the morning we had wet snow showers with the temperature in the 30's and in the afternoon we had scattered rain showers and the temperature reached 40 degrees. We currently have a mix of drop backs scattered throughout the river and fish that are still actively spawning. The lower end of the river has been mostly drop backs while the mid to upper end of the river has been both drop backs and spawning fish. The drift boats continue to take advantage of the high water conditions and are floating most of the river on a daily basis. A few bank anglers are fishing the lower end of the river, but overall the majority of bank anglers have been fishing the mid to upper end of the river. The side channels and diversions have been getting increased pressure with the higher water, but have been producing action on a daily basis. Despite the higher water, the river is fishable and anglers are fishing. If your not comfortable on the Salmon River, some of the smaller local tributaries are another option. Over the last couple of days anglers who were fly fishing had the most success dead drifting with woolly buggers, pink san juan worms and sucker spawn. Anglers who were float fishing or bottom bouncing had the most success with egg sacs, beads or pink worms. 


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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