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Daily Report

November 09 2018

Please check the waterline for the latest update, the water level has come down. With the recent drop in water level we did see an increase with the number of anglers. The majority of anglers we spoke with reported getting into some fish throughout the river. The fish seem to be holding along the edges and softer seams of the transition water. In the mid to lower end of the river anglers who had the most success have been covering lots of water. Anglers also reported that the water clarity was good and leaves were not an issue. Over the last couple of days the most productive patterns have been flesh flies, egg patterns and woolly buggers. Anglers have had success swinging streamers with sinking leaders or dead drifting with egg patterns. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing pink and blue egg sacs have produced steady results on a daily basis. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

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