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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

March 10 2019

Over the weekend Saturday was the pick day, with blue skies, plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the mid 30's. With the low water and nice weather it's no surprise we saw an increase in the number of anglers getting out and taking advantage of the conditions. We had mixed reports, some groups got into fish, while others did not, either way everyone said it was a great day to be on the water. On Sunday we had freezing rain in the morning that switched over to just rain in the afternoon along with very high winds. Some of the groups we spoke with fished for a few hours in the morning with no success, while others made it a short day and headed for home early. With low water the fish have been holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. Anglers who are fly fishing have had the most success dead drifting with black stoneflies or indicator fishing with single egg patterns. The most productive patterns have been wiggle stones, rusher nymphs, black stoneflies, steelhead hammer, woolly buggers, estaz eggs and sucker spawn. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing blue egg sacs, pink worms or beads have produced results.
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