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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

September 12 2019

As of this morning we have some cooler weather conditions with the temperature in the mid 50's along with scattered rain showers. Over the last couple of days not much change with the fishing, the best fish movement has been in the mornings and later in the day. The majority of anglers were speaking with have been mostly fishing the lower end of the river with areas such as the Ballpark, Town Pool, Longbridge/Staircase , Black Hole and DSR producing the best action. The few anglers we have spoke with who fished the mid to upper end of the river reported fish holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. Anglers have been getting into mostly kings but a few cohos have showed up over the last couple of days. During the week the fishing pressure has been lite, but expect the fishing pressure to increase as we head into the weekend. The most productive patterns have been black or olive woolly buggers, black or purple egg sucking leeches, orange, chart and pink comets, glo-bugs and estaz eggs. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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