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Daily Report

September 14 2019

On Saturday we had some scattered showers first thing in the morning followed by cloudy conditions for most of the day and some sunshine late in the day.  The fishing pressure increased from the number of anglers we were seeing during the week, but was expected and especially on the weekend. Overall we got mixed reports from anglers depending on where they fished. We spoke with a few groups that had a good day at the middle and lower sections of the DSR with mostly kings and some cohos showing up. Anglers stopping into the shop also reported getting into some kings at the Staircase/Longbridge. The anglers we spoke with who fished mid river reported if you worked hard for them and covered some water you could get into some fish. The anglers we spoke with who fishd the upper end of the river reported the least amount of action. Over the last couple of days the most productive patterns have been egg sucking leeches, comets, zonkers, woolly buggers, estaz stones, sucker spawn and estaz eggs.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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