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Daily Report

September 15 2019

On Sunday we had calm and cloudy conditions along with some scattered rain showers later in the afternoon. The river had the most fishing pressure in the morning and started clearing out around mid day as anglers headed for home or came off the water to watch football.  Overall the majority of anglers we spoke with reported getting into some fish. We spoke with several groups that in the morning reported getting into a mix of kings and cohos at the DSR. Throughout the day other anglers stopping into the shop also reported getting into fish in the Black Hole, Staircase/Longbridge, Ballpark, RT2A, Pineville, Ellis Cove and Schoolhouse. The most productive patterns were woolly buggers, egg sucking leeches, estaz eggs, sucker spawn and glo-bugs.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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