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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

October 14 2019

Over the holiday weekend we had increased fishing pressure which is normal for this time of year. On Sunday the morning temperature was in the 40's but with plenty of sunshine the temperature reached into the 60's in the afternoon. Over the last couple of days the upper end of the river has been getting the most fishing pressure but has been producing some of the best reports. Anglers have been getting into fish in Pineville, the Trestle Pool, Ellis Cove, Schoolhouse Pool and both the Upper & Lower Fly Fishing Zone. We've been getting mixed reports from the lower end of the river, some anglers are having success while other reported it was slow. Anglers having the most success are covering lots of water and have been getting into mostly kings along with a few steelhead mixed in. Anglers have also reported salmon spawning in the gravel areas throughout the river. The most productive patterns have been estaz eggs, glo-bugs, sucker spawn, egg sucking leeches, bunny leeches, comets and woolly buggers. 


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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