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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

October 09 2019

On Tuesday the temperature started out in the 40's and with plenty of sunshine the temperature reached into the 60's in the afternoon. Anglers we have staying in the motel and stopping into the shop reported having a much better day then the previous few days. The anglers we spoke with who fished the DSR reported getting into kings in the mid to upper section of the run. In the mid to upper end of the river anglers reported getting into kings in the Papermill, Sportsman Pool, Pineville, Trestle Pool, Schoolhouse Pool and the Upper & Lower Fly Fishing Zone. With the recent rain anglers also reported getting into some kings in some of the smaller local tributaries. Once again the key to success has been covering lots of water and making adjustments. The most productive patterns have been estaz eggs, sucker spawn, glo-bugs, hot stones, egg sucking leeches, comets, muddlers, zonkers and woolly buggers.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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