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water-temp Water Temp 34F

Daily Report

October 22 2019

Check the water level, the release at the dam has been increased to 750cfs. Windy conditions along with rain later in the afternoon is expected for today. On Tuesday we had beautiful fall weather with plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the mid 60's. We got mixed reports from anglers, a few groups reported having a decent day but overall most of the anglers we spoke with said it was slow for them. Anglers we spoke with who fished the DSR reported that it was a slow day with a few browns and steelhead providing some action but overall not much was moving. Other anglers who fished the lower end of the river reported landing some steelhead in the Staircase/Longbridge and Ballpark area. In the mid section of river anglers reported landing some kings and a few steelhead between the Sportsman Pool and Pineville. In the Lower Fly Fishing Zone anglers reported landing some kings and a few steelhead and in the Upper Fly Zone anglers reported getting into mostly kings along with a few cohos. The most productive patterns have been glo-bugs, sucker spawn, estaz eggs, steelhead stones, flesh flies, egg sucking leeches, bunny leeches and woolly buggers.


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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