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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

December 22 2019

On Sunday we had mild weather conditions with plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the 40's in the afternoon. With the arrival of warmer weather the number of anglers increased and it was good to see everyone getting out on the water and taking advantage of conditions. The majority of anglers we spoke with fished the mid to lower end of the river and reported getting into fish. Anglers who were fly fishing had the most success dead drifting with nymphs or indicator fishing with egg patterns. The most productive patterns were pheasant tails, stoneflies, hare's ear, copper john, prince nymph, glo-bugs, estaz eggs and sucker spawn. For those anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing, blue and pink egg sacs or trout beads produced the best results.

The shop and motel will be closed on December 24th & 25th.  

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