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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

February 17 2020

On Monday had blue skies with plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the 30's. With the low water conditions the fish continue to be holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. The few anglers we spoke with reported getting into some fish in the upper and lower end of the river. Over the last couple of days anglers have had some success in the Lower Fly Zone, Schoolhouse Pool, Ellis Cove, Trestle Pool, Pineville, Sportsman Pool, Papermill, Town Pool, Black Hole and DSR. Anglers who were fly fishing had the most success dead drifting with nymphs or indicator fishing. The most productive patterns were wiggle stones, rusher nymphs, prince nymphs, hare's ear, steelhead hammer, steelhead stones, steak-n-eggs, estaz eggs and small woolly buggers. For those anglers who were bottom bouncing or float fishing, pink and blue eggs sacs, pink worms and beads produced the best results. 


Monday - Saturday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.

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