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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

November 06 2020

Over the last couple of days we've had very mild conditions and Friday was no different. It was another day of sunny skies and the temperature reached into the mid 60's. The mild weather conditions are expected to continue right thru the weekend and into early next week.  We got mixed reports from anglers, some groups got into fish, while others had a tough day.  Depending on where you fished and skill level that's normal for this time of year.  Anglers having the most success have been covering lots of water and putting in the time. With the warmer water conditions the fish seem to be holding in the faster pocket water and transition water. In the deeper and bigger holes, anglers are having the most success in the head or tailouts. The nice thing about this time of year is that a variety of techniques can be effective. Swinging streamers, dead drifting nymphs, indicator fishing with egg patterns, bottom bouncing or float fishing can all produce results on any given day.


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 6:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 5:00PM.

Suggested Patterns;

STREAMERS: Beadhead woolly buggers in, black, olive, brown, white, peacock, grizzly, size 2-6. Fish skull buggers in black, olive, natural, white, size 4. Conehead muddlers in black, brown, olive, white, size 4. Egg sucking leeches in black, purple, size 6.

EGG PATTERNS: Estaz eggs in chart, pink, blue, orange, white, purple, size 10. Glo-bugs in pink, blue, oregon cheese, red, orange, size 8. Sucker spawn in cream, white, chart, pink, blue, orange, size 6-10.

NYMPHS: Rubber legged stoneflies in black, brown, gold, size 4-8. Beadhead stoneflies in black, brown, golden, 4-8.

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