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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

January 28 2022

On Thursday we had some improvement with the weather and the temperature reached into the mid 20's in the afternoon. As of this morning the warmest part of today already happened with the temperature in the mid 20's, as the day goes on the temperature is expected to keep dropping along with cold temp's for the upcoming weekend. Last night we did pick up another couple inches of lake effect snow but nothing major. Over the last couple of days we didn't speak with many anglers but the few anglers we did speak with reported having some action in the upper end of the river mostly in Altmar. The water level had been up over the last few days but is now back down. With recent drop in water the fish will be holding in and around the deeper holes and largrer runs. With the return of cold weather for the weekend, slush ice will most likely be a factor in the lower end of the river. If you plan of fishing, the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville will give you the best chance of avoiding slush ice. Anglers should focus on the normal winter holding areas such as Lower Fly Zone, Schoolhouse Pool, Wire Hole, Ellis Cove, Bovines, Trestle Pool and Pineville.

With the temperautre in the single digits and below zero with the wind chill factor we have adjusted the shop hours. The shop will be opening at 9:00AM and closing at 5:00PM.

Suggested Patterns:

Streamers: Egg sucking leeches in black or purple, size 8. Beadhead woolly buggers in black, olive, orange, red, size 6. Fishskull zonkers in black, olive, white, grizzly size 8.

Nymphs: Rusher nymphs in blue, purple, chart, pink, size 10. Steelhead hammer in blue, pink, red, black, size 12. Rubber legged stones in black, olive, brown size 8. Rubber legged Kaufman stones in black or golden size 8.

Egg patterns: Steelie omelets in cerise, chart, peach, size 10. Steak-n-eggs in pink, orange, size 10. Estaz eggs in blue, pink, chart, purple, white, size 10. Sucker spawn in oregon cheese, blue, pink, chart, white, size 6. 

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