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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

October 03 2022

Over the weekend we had dry and sunny conditions along with seasonal temperatures. The dry weather conditions are expected to continue over the next several days along with the day time temperature reaching near 60 degrees and night time temperature dropping into the upper 30's.  We had heavy fishing pressure over the weekend which is normal for this time of year, this week and upcoming holiday weekend is the annual trip for lots of anglers.  We currently have fish spread out in the river from top to bottom. The fish have been holding in and around the deeper holes and larger runs. The best fish movement has been first thing in the morning and later in the day.

Suggested patterns:

Streamers; Beadhead Krystal Buggers in size 6, Beadhead Woolly Buggers in size 4, Egg Sucking Leeches in size 2. Conehead Muddlers in size 4. Fishskull Zonkers in size 4. Comets in size 4.

Egg patterns; Glo-bugs in size 6, Sucker Spawn in size 4, Estaz eggs in size 6. 

Nymphs; Rubber legged stones in size 6, Kaufman stones in size 4, Estaz stones in size 6.

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