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Daily Report

October 11 2022

On Monday we had cloudy conditions along with scattered showers in the morning giving way to some sunshine in the afternoon. After the long holiday weekend the crowd started to thin out as anglers headed for home. The anglers we spoke with who fished the DSR reported they had the best action first thing in the morning in the upper section with mostly kings. In the mid to lower section anglers reported mostly kings that were spawning along with the occasional fresh fish on the move. In the mid to upper section of river anglers stopping into the shop reported getting into kings around RT2A, Sportsman Pool area, Pineville, Trestle Pool area, Ellis Cove, Altmar, as well as the Upper & Lower Fly Fishing Areas.  

Suggested patterns:

Streamers; Beadhead Krystal Buggers in size 6, Beadhead Woolly Buggers in size 4, Egg Sucking Leeches in size 2. Conehead Muddlers in size 4. Fishskull Zonkers in size 4. Comets in size 4.

Egg patterns; Glo-bugs in size 6, Sucker Spawn in size 4, Estaz eggs in size 6. 

Nymphs; Rubber legged stones in size 6, Kaufman stones in size 4, Estaz stones in size 6.

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