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Daily Report

October 14 2022

On Thursday we had windy conditions along with scattered rain showers throughout the day. First thing in the morning anglers were surprised to see that the flow had been increased, but despite the challenging conditions the majority of anglers we spoke with were able to get into fish. The anglers we spoke with who fished the lower end of the river said leaves were a factor, but they were able to get into some fish, but landing them was difficult. The best reports we had came from anglers who fished the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville. The anglers we spoke with who fished the Upper & Lower Fly Zones reported getting intoa mix of kings and cohos.  

Suggested patterns:

Streamers; Beadhead Krystal Buggers in size 6, Beadhead Woolly Buggers in size 4, Egg Sucking Leeches in size 2. Conehead Muddlers in size 4. Fishskull Zonkers in size 4. Comets in size 4.

Egg patterns; Glo-bugs in size 6, Sucker Spawn in size 4, Estaz eggs in size 6. 

Nymphs; Rubber legged stones in size 6, Kaufman stones in size 4, Estaz stones in size 6.

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