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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

April 22 2024

On Sunday we had some cooler weather with cloudy conditions in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon with the temperature reaching into the upper 40's. Over the weekend the release from the dam has been 500cfs and the pineville gauge is around 667cfs. The drop backs are scattered throughout the river with the lower end producing the best action as of recently. Covering lots of water has been the key to success and anglers have been finding them in the head or tailouts of the bigger holes and larger runs. They generally tend to hold in the faster water and are sometimes suspended in the water column. At the DSR anglers have been getting into a mix of drop backs and smallmouth bass. For those anglers who are fly fishing, swinging streamers with sinking leaders has produced the best results. For those anglers who are bottom bouncing or float fishing, beads and pink worms have produced the best results.

Suggested patterns;

Egg patterns: Steelie omelette in size 10, Estaz eggs in chart, blue, purple, size 10. Glo-bugs in chart, pink, orange, size 10. Sucker spawn in chart, pink, blue, size 6. 

Streamers: Conehead muddlers in black, olive, brown, size 4. Black or purple egg sucking leeches in size 6. Woolly buggers in black, olive, brown, white, size 6. Fish skull zonkers in black, white, olive size 6.

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