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Daily Report

September 03 2024

Over the holiday weekend we had a mix of anglers for both the lake and river. Lots of excitement and anticipation as we head into the fall run which was great to see by the anglers who made the trip up.

The LOC Derby in the lake finished up, it ran from August 16th thru September 2nd, the winning king weighed 31.05lbs. For the complete list of the leaderboard check out Anglers who fished the lake reported that the bite has recently been pretty tough due to a combination of windy condtions, changing water temp's and moody/finicky staging kings. 

As for the river, no surprise we had increased fishing pressure for the long holiday weekend. We had a mix of anglers coming thru the shop for a variety of reasons. For some anglers it was the first trip to the Salmon River and wanted to check things out, others it was a recon mission and wanted to see if the river had any changes after the flood conditions we had in August, others were stocking up on gear and fly tying materials, while many just wanted to take advantage of the early season opportunity before the big crowds arrive. Anglers we spoke with who fished on Saturday & Sunday reported more anglers then fish. On Monday anglers who fished the lower end of the river, Ballpark down thru the DSR reported that the fishing improved with some kings on the move along with a few cohos in the mix. 

Due to the new license paper changes we will no longer be selling licenses in the shop. The paper used for sporting licenses and carcass tags has changed from special stock (Valeron) to plain paper. This change modernizes the license purchasing process by allowing easier, quicker access to licenses and tags offering at-home license and tag printing options for the increasing number of hunters and anglers who purchase their licenses online. 

Shop hours are currently from 8:00AM - 7:00PM. We will extend store hours once we get into the peak season. 

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