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Daily Report

September 07 2024

During the week we had several days of bright sunny conditions along with the temperature reaching into the upper 70's, but on Saturday we had steady rain for most of the morning before clearing in the afternoon. Along with the rain we had cloudy conditions along with a strong west wind. No surprise the fishing pressure increased which is normal for the weekend. Anglers stopping into the shop reported having some action with mostly kings and a few cohos in the mix mostly in the lower end of the river from Ballpark down through the DSR. 

Due to the new license paper changes we will no longer be selling licenses in the shop. The paper used for sporting licenses and carcass tags has changed from special stock (Valeron) to plain paper. This change modernizes the license purchasing process by allowing easier, quicker access to licenses and tags offering at-home license and tag printing options for the increasing number of hunters and anglers who purchase their licenses online. 

Shop hours are currently from 8:00AM - 7:00PM. We will extend store hours once we get into the peak season.

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