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water-temp Water Temp 34F

Daily Report

September 22 2017

Overall it's been another good week, the weather continues to be hot and dry with plenty of sunshine. For the past week the temperature has been reaching near 80's and these conditions are expected to continue right though the weekend and into early next week. Despite the warm weather the fishing has been good in the lower end of the river and anglers have reported good fish movement with mostly kings and a few cohos. Depending on the day anglers have been doing well in the Ballpark, Town Pool, Staircase/Longbridge, Black Hole and the DSR. The mid to upper section of river has fish holding in and around the deeper holes such as Sportsman Pool, Pineville and Trestle Pool. Both the Upper and Lower Fly Zone are currently open and anglers have reported getting into fish in both of these areas. Just a reminder that National Hunting & Fishing Day is being held at the NYS Fish Hatchery in Altmar, NY on Saturday September 23rd.


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 5:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 5:00AM - 7:00PM.

Suggested Patterns:

  • Comets in pink, chart, orange. size 4
  • Black egg sucking leeches in size 2-6.
  • Bunny leeches in black, olive. size 4.
  • Woolly buggers in black, olive, white, purple. size 4-8
  • Estaz stoneflies in red, purple, pink, chart. size 6
  • Estaz eggs in chart, pink, blue, purple. size 6
  • Sucker spawn in pink, chart, cream, purple. size 6
  • Glo-bugs in orange, chart, pink, oregon cheese. size 6


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