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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

October 16 2017

It was another nice weekend and on Sunday the temperature reached into the 80's. On Monday we had much cooler weather along with scattered rain showers and the temperature struggled to get out of the 40's. The lower end of the river is still producing a few salmon but the majority of anglers fishing in the lower end of the river are now targeting steelhead. If your still looking for salmon the mid to upper end of the river is holding the most kings. Anglers have reported that salmon are spawning in the gravel areas of the mid to upper section of river. Anglers who have been fishing the Upper & Lower Fly Zone have reported getting into a mix of kings and cohos with single egg patterns, egg sucking leeches and woolly buggers producing the best results. The Upper Fly Zone has been producing the most coho action. The lower end of the river has been producing the best steelhead action with anglers getting into steelhead at the DSR, Longbridge/Staircase, Ballpark and Papermill. Single egg patterns, woolly buggers, egg sucking leeches, trout beads and egg sacs have all produced results. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 5:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Suggested Patterns:

  • Glo-bugs in chart, pink, egg, oregon cheese. size 6-10
  • Sucker spawn in chart, pink, cream, egg. size 6 -10
  • Estaz eggs in blue, chart, red, orange, pink. size 6-10
  • Flesh fly in size 6
  • Black egg sucking leeches in size 2-6.
  • Bunny leeches in black or olive. size 6
  • Steelhead stone in red, orange, purple. size 8
  • Woolly buggers in olive, black, grizzly, peacock. size 4-8
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