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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

March 15 2019

On Friday the mild weather continued with cloudy conditions, very little wind and the temperature reached into the 50's. We did have some scattered rain showers pass through early in the morning, but overall we got lucky with the rain and didn't get as much as expected. With the melting snow we did have some runoff in the lower end of the river but anglers reported that it was not as issue. Over the last couple of days with the low water and mild weather it's no surprise the fishing pressure increased. It was great to see anglers getting out on the water and taking advantage of spring like conditions. Anglers staying in the motel and stopping into the shop reported getting into fish in the Lower Fly Zone, Schoolhouse Pool, Wire Hole, Ellis Cove, Bovines, Trestle Pool, Sportsman Pool, Black Hole and DSR. The most productive fly patterns were rusher nymphs, wiggle stones, steelhead stones, pink squirmy worms, woolly buggers, sucker spawn, estaz eggs and glo-bugs. Anglers who were float fishing or bottom bouncing had the most success with egg sacs, pink worms and beads.
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