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water-temp Water Temp 33F

Daily Report

October 14 2020

On Tuesday we had some scattered showers in the morning, but not enough to change the flow.  Over the last couple of days the fishing continues to be good with kings spread out in the river from top to bottom. Yesterday the anglers we spoke with who fished the lower end of the river reported having another very good day. Anglers reported a steady movement of kings in the Papermill, Ballpark, Town Pool, Longbridge, Black Hole and DSR. In the upper end of the river anglers reported getting into kings in the Upper Fly Zone as well as the Ellis Cove area. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Suggested Patterns: Woollybuggers in black, brown, olive, peacock, grizzly, size 2-6. Egg sucking leeches in black & purple, size 2-6. Fish skull buggers in black, olive, brown, white, size 4. Rubber legged stoneflies in black, brown, golden, size 4. Conehead muddlers in white, brown, olive, size 6. Comets in orange, pink, chart, size 4. Estaz eggs in blue, pink, chart, orange, size 6. Glo-bugs in pink, chart, oregon cheese, cerise. size 6. Sucker spawn in white, peach, blue, chart. size 6.


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