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Daily Report

September 05 2021

On Saturday we had plenty of sunshine and the temperature reached into the 70's in the afternoon. The mornings have been cooler but warming up in the afternoon. Cloudy conditions along with light rain is expected for today. Over the last few days the majority of anglers stopping into the shop have reported fishing mostly the lower end of the river. Yesterday anglers reported having some early morning action in the Ballpark, Town Pool area, Staircase/Longbridge, Black Hole and DSR. Anglers seem to be having the most success dead drifting or swinging with egg sucking leeches, beadhead woolly buggers and comets.

Yesterday was another decent day of fishing out on the lake and boats continue to get into a mix of kings and cohos. With calm lake conditions it's no suprise you had well over 100 boats fishing off the Salmon River. If your following the LOC Leaderboard, yesterday 6 kings were entered on the board, 1 from this end of the lake weighed in at Woody's Tackle and the other 5 came from the western end of the lake.  We got out for a few hours late in the afternoon and worked 50 - 60 feet of water off the Salmon River and slightly north. Silver bullet with bloody nose J-plugs off the riggers, leadcore and dipsey divers is what worked the best for us. 


Monday - Thursday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

Friday & Saturday 6:00AM - 8:00PM.

Sunday 6:00AM - 7:00PM.

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