Daily Report
Daily Report
January 16 2020
On Thursday we picked up a few inches of lake effect snow. In the morning the temperature was above freezing but it dropped throughout the day along with windy conditions. The best reports we had came from the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville. The fish have been holding along the inside seams and softer water of... read more.
Daily Report
January 14 2020
What little snow we had on the ground is currently gone. Over the next couple of days the temperature is expected to remain above average for this time of year. The water level has come down as well as the amount of runoff coming off the Tug Hill. The drift boats continue to take advantage of the high water while... read more.
Daily Report
January 11 2020
On Saturday we had very mild weather conditions with the temperature reaching into the 60's along with scattered rain showers throughout the day. What little snow we had on the ground is now gone but were still getting some runoff from melting snow on the Tug Hill and the recent rain. The majority of anglers on the river right now... read more.
Daily Report
January 10 2020
On Friday we had freezing rain in the morning and in the afternoon the temperature reached into the 40's along with scattered rain showers. The few anglers we spoke with reported getting into some fish in the upper end of the river between Altmar and Pineville. Over the next couple of days very mild weather conditions are expected.With the combination... read more.
Daily Report
January 09 2020
On Thursday the early morning temperature was in the single digits and despite plenty of sunshine the temperature struggled to reach into the 20's in the afternoon. The good news is that we won't have the cold temp's for long and very mild weather conditions are expected for the upcoming weekend. We currently only have a few inches of snow... read more.
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