Daily Report
Daily Report
September 04 2017
We had several anglers come up for the holiday weekend, half of them were fishing the lake and the other half were fishing the river. The majority of anglers we spoke with who fished the river reported getting into mostly kings with a few cohos in the mix. The best action has been in the lower end of the river... read more.
Daily Report
August 30 2017
Over the last couple of days we've had some cooler weather conditions. The temperature at night has been in the upper 40's or low 50's and the temperature during the day has been in the upper 60's and low 70's. A few salmon have been entering the lower end of the river on a daily basis. It's been mostly kings... read more.
Daily Report
August 26 2017
Today we have some cooler weather conditions along with blue skies and plenty of sunshine. This morning when we got to the boat it was 50 degrees. We fished the early morning bite and managed to land some kings in the 21-25lb range on flasher/flies. The temperature was back down deep, we spent most of our time in 150 feet... read more.
Daily Report
August 22 2017
The shop and motel are both now open and we are ready for the upcoming season. New fall products along with our preseason orders will be arriving soon. At this point we've only spoken with a handful of anglers who have fished the river, not much to report, most anglers have seen one or none depending on the day. But... read more.
Daily Report
August 11 2017
Welcome back. The shop will reopen for the season on Tuesday August 15th. Overall it's been a wet summer with cooler conditions. Last year we had record heat along with drought conditions, this summer has been the complete opposite with no shortage of water. All of the scheduled summer whitewater releases went as planned with one more release scheduled for Labor Day... read more.
Featured Products

Lamson Liquid S Fly Reel
from $ 159.99